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22 July

Our practice is very pleased with the Board of Inquiry's decision to decline NZTA's Basin Bridge Project. We are equally pleased that the Board has accepted the evidence we submitted against NZTA's project on behalf of the Mt Victoria Residents Association and ourselves. 

Of particular note is the Board's recognition of our alternative at-grade enhancement of the roundabout (BRREO) which we prepared as part of an integrated and holistic solution for the city.

The Board stated we found that it may deliver measurable transport benefits at considerably less cost and considerably less adverse effects on the environment. We bear in mind that BRREO is still at a provisional or indicative stage and could be subject to further adjustment by further analysis.

Given the Board's comprehensive dismissal of NZTA's application, it makes sense that we are given the opportunity to continue to develop BRREO. We look forward to working with NZTA, the Regional and City Councils.

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